How to make Aloe Vera gel, Benefits of aloe vera
We all know the importance of Aloe Vera in making our hair healthy. I'm going to give you some steps on how to make home made Aloe Vera gel and oil for a health hair during this period.
How to make Aloe Vera gel
Thing needed:
1 Aloe Vera leaf, a bowl, strainer, spoon
1) Wash the Aloe Vera and cut into medium sizes, bisect the medium cut Aloe Vera into two.
2) Use a spoon to collect and scoop out the gel. Some people apply the gel to their hair at this stage.
3) Put the gel into a strainer and squeeze out the juice into a bowl.
4) When you are done squeezing out the juice, put it into a desirable container. You can add coconut or olive oil to it.
Aloe Vera gel can be used as a leave in conditioner, used to untangle hair, used to make hair shiny and soft and enhances hair growth.
How to make Aloe Vera oil
Things needed:
1 Aloe Vera leaf, a bowl, a pan, coconut or olive oil.
1) Wash the Aloe Vera and cut into medium size.
2) Add coconut or olive oil into a bowl and add the cut Aloe Vera making sure the Aloe Vera is completely immersed into the coconut oil.
3) Cover the bowl properly and let the mixture stay for 24 hours.
4) Heat up a pan and put the mixture into the pan with the flame low. Frequently stir the mixture to prevent the burning of the Aloe Vera. When the popping sound of the oil stops, turn off the heat, this takes like 15-20 minutes.
5) Allow the mixture to cool down. When it's cool, strain out the oil from the mixture and pour into any desired container. Your oil is ready for use.
Aloe Vera oil when massaged into the scalp rubbing it from hair root to tips moisturises,improves the texture, strength and growth of the hair. I use this product and they work so well for me.